Sunday, 12 December 2010

The Virtues of Muharram and 'Aashooraa' - Special Months & Times - Islamic Articles -

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

“Fasting the day of `Ashura' (is of great merits), I hope that Allah will accept it as an expiation for (the sins committed in) the previous year.” 

Read more:

The Virtues of Muharram and 'Aashooraa' - Special Months & Times - Islamic Articles -

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
"Hasten to do good deeds before you are overtaken by one of the seven afflictions.'' Then (giving a warning) he said, "Are you waiting for such poverty which will make you unmindful of devotion; or prosperity which will make you corrupt, or disease as will disable you, or such senility as will make you mentally unstable, or sudden death, or Ad-Dajjal who is the worst expected absent, or the Hour, and the Hour will be most grievous and most bitter".

Thursday, 9 December 2010

[Event] 15th Dec 2010, London Muslim Centre: Event of the Year with World Famous Shaykh Abu Bakr Shatry and Others

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

The Journey of the Souls:
The Last Breath


Shaykh Abu Bakr Shatry

From Saudi Arabia, he is one of the world’s greatest reciters of Qur’an. This will be his first official appearance! Be in the glorious company and listen to beautiful recitation and a SPECIAL message from the Shaykh.


Shaykh Zahir Mahmood (UK)
“The Day of Awakening: Judgement Day”

Shaykh Saad al Jloaud (Saudi Arabia)
Senior Student of the late Shaykh Muhammad al-Uthaymeen:
“Prepare to meet your Lord”

Qari Ziyad Patel (South Africa)



Price: £10 (First come First serve/No reservations)

Date: Wednesday 15th December 2010

Time: 5:30pm – 9:30pm
Venue: London Muslim Centre, Ground Floor
46 Whitechapel Road
London E1 1JX

Nearest Transport: 
Tube: Aldgate East Station/Whitechapel Station
Bus: 25, 205
To Purchase Tickets:

Brothers: 07960637474, 07983590489, 07738271335

Sisters: 07904956166, 07545269095, 07958542699 

Online Booking:

(Tickets can also be purchased from Blackstone Bookshop via cash only(Next to the East London Mosque)

Sponsorship & Stall Enquiries:

Brothers and Sisters Welcomed: Full Segregation

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
 "Hasten to do good deeds before you are overtaken by one of the seven afflictions.'' Then (giving a warning) he said, "Are you waiting for such poverty which will make you unmindful of devotion; or prosperity which will make you corrupt, or disease as will disable you, or such senility as will make you mentally unstable, or sudden death, or Ad-Dajjal who is the worst expected absent, or the Hour, and the Hour will be most grievous and most bitter".  

Monday, 15 November 2010

Eid ul Adha 2010/1431 AH

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Eid Mubarak!!!

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
 "Hasten to do good deeds before you are overtaken by one of the seven afflictions.'' Then (giving a warning) he said, "Are you waiting for such poverty which will make you unmindful of devotion; or prosperity which will make you corrupt, or disease as will disable you, or such senility as will make you mentally unstable, or sudden death, or Ad-Dajjal who is the worst expected absent, or the Hour, and the Hour will be most grievous and most bitter".  



Assalamu alaikum,

The 9th of Dhu’l Hijjah is known as ‘the Day of `Arafah,’ because the pilgrims at Hajj gather at `Arafah in worship, which is one of the three central integrals of the Hajj rituals. Its importance is such that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “Hajj is `Arafah.” [Reported in most major hadith works]

The Day of `Arafah is important for those not at Hajj, as well.

Abu Qatada (Allah be pleased with him) related that the Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace be upon him, his family, and companions) said, “Fasting the Day of `Arafah [9thof Dhu’l Hijjah] expiates for two years, one prior and one forthcoming.” [Reported by Muslim, Abu Dawud, Nasa’i, and Ibn Majah]

As such, the scholars concur that it is highly recommended (mustahabb) to fast the Day of `Arafah [9th of Dhu’l Hijjah], even for the one on Hajj in the Hanafi school, if it does not weaken the pilgrim from spending the day busy in worship. [Haskafi, Durr; Kasani, Bada’i`]

The Day of `Arafah is one of the days when supplications (du`a) are more likely to be accepted. [Ibn al-Haajj,al-Madhkhal; Saffarini, Ghidha’ al-Albab]

This is based on the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) saying, “The best of supplications are those on the Day of `Arafah.” [Tirmidhi, Ahmad, Malik, and others] Imam al-Baji explained this as meaning, ‘Having most baraka, the greatest reward, and the quickest in being answered.’ [Baji,al-Muntaqa Sharh al-Muwatta]

The Takbirs of Eid Start on This Day: The Fiqh

Allah Most High commanded us to, “Remember Allah through the appointed days.” [Qur’an, 2.203]

Hakim recorded in his Mustadrak, from both Ali and Ammar that they said, “The Messenger of Allah used to… make thetakbirs from the Fajr prayer of the Day of `Arafah and would stop them after the Asr prayer of the final day of the Days of Tashriq [13th of Dhu’l Hijjah].” There is, however, weakness in the chain of narrators, as Imam Bayhaqi mentioned. There are numerous hadiths that have been mentioned on this, as Imam Jamal al-Din al-Zayla`i expounded in his Nasb al-Raya [2.266-269]

This has been established by consensus of the Companions of the Beloved of Allah, the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace). [Mawaffaq Ibn Qudama, al-Mughni 2.126 #1431]

Legal status:

         It is necessary (wajib) for every Muslim (male or female, whether praying in congregation or alone) to make the following takbir (declaration of the greatness of Allah) immediately after each obligatory (fard) prayer.


         From:   the Fajr Prayer on the 9th of Dhu’l Hijjah (the Day of `Arafah)

         To: the Asr Prayer on the 13th of Dhu’l Hijjah.

Thus, these takbirs last 5 days, and 23 prayers.

The takbirs:

Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, La ilaha illa Llahu.

Wa Llahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar wa lillahi Lhamd .

( اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ لَا إلَهَ إلَّا اللَّهُوَاَللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ وَلِلَّهِ الْحَمْدُ )

(Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, there is no god but Allah.

And Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest and to Allah belongs all praise.)

Rulings related to this:


The wajib is to recite this takbir once. If done more than this, it is good. [Haskafi, Durr, quoting `Ayni]
The position related above that it is obligatory for 23 prayers, whether in congregation or alone, for every Muslim, is the position of Abu Hanifa’s students, Abu Yusuf and Muhammad ibn al-Hasan, and it is the position acted upon and chosen for fatwa, because of the strength of their evidence and the inherited practice being on it, and because it is more cautious. [Durrand Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar; al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, quoting al-Zahidi] Abu Hanifa’s position, that it lasts only 8 prayers, is supported by evidence, too, though, including the practice of some major Companions such as Ibn Mas`ud (Allah be pleased with him), and was taken by some major Hanafi imams, though a minority, such as Ibn al-Humam in hisFath al-Qadir.
It is not wrong (rather, it is recommended) to also perform it after the Eid prayer itself because the Muslims have performed it generation after generation, so it is proper to follow their inherited practice (that has been accepted by generation after generation of scholars). [Durr and Radd al-Muhtar]
The followers must perform it, even if the imam leaves it. [Durr]
Latecomers [=those who missed one or more rakat of the congregational prayer] must perform it, but after completing their prayer.
It is necessary for the congregation to perform it out loud. [Ibn Abidin,Radd al-Muhtar, quoting Quhustani]
It is necessary to make the takbirs immediately after the salams. If one talks, loses one’s wudu, or performs other actions completely foreign to the prayer, one has missed the wajib. [al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya;Durr]
And Allah alone gives success.

Walaikum assalam,
Faraz Rabbani.


في الدر المختار:( وَيَجِبُ تَكْبِيرُ التَّشْرِيقِ ) فِي الْأَصَحِّ  لِلْأَمْرِ بِهِ ( مَرَّةً ) وَإِنْ زَادَ عَلَيْهَا يَكُونُ فَضْلًا قَالَهُ الْعَيْنِيُّ . صِفَتُهُ ( اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ لَا إلَهَ إلَّا اللَّهُ وَاَللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ وَلِلَّهِ الْحَمْدُ ) هُوَ الْمَأْثُورُ عَنْ الْخَلِيلِ . ...... ( وَقَالَا بِوُجُوبِهِ  فَوْرَ كُلِّ فَرْضٍ مُطْلَقًا ) وَلَوْ مُنْفَرِدًا أَوْ مُسَافِرًا أَوْ امْرَأَةً لِأَنَّهُ تَبَعٌ لِلْمَكْتُوبَةِ ( إلَى ) عَصْرِ الْيَوْمِ الْخَامِسِ ( آخِرِ أَيَّامِ التَّشْرِيقِ وَعَلَيْهِ الِاعْتِمَادُ ) وَالْعَمَلُ وَالْفَتْوَى فِي عَامَّةِ الْأَمْصَارِ وَكَافَّةِ الْأَعْصَارِ . وَلَا بَأْسَ بِهِ عَقِبَ الْعِيدِ لِأَنَّ الْمُسْلِمِينَ تَوَارَثُوهُ فَوَجَبَ اتِّبَاعُهُمْ , وَعَلَيْهِ الْبَلْخِيُّونَ , وَلَا يُمْنَعُ الْعَامَّةُ مِنْ التَّكْبِيرِ فِي الْأَسْوَاقِ فِي الْأَيَّامِ الْعَشْرِ وَبِهِ نَأْخُذُ بَحْرٌ وَمُجْتَبَى وَغَيْرُهُ ( وَيَأْتِي الْمُؤْتَمُّ بِهِ ) وُجُوبًا ( وَإِنْ تَرَكَهُ إمَامُهُ ) لِأَدَائِهِ بَعْدَ الصَّلَاةِ . قَالَ أَبُو يُوسُفَ : صَلَّيْت بِهِمْ الْمَغْرِبَ يَوْمَ عَرَفَةَ فَسَهَوْت أَنْ أُكَبِّرَ فَكَبَّرَ بِهِمْ أَبُو حَنِيفَةَ ( وَالْمَسْبُوقُ يُكَبِّرُ ) وُجُوبًا كَاللَّاحِقِ لَكِنْ ( عَقِبَ الْقَضَاءِ ) لِمَا فَاتَهُ , وَلَوْ كَبَّرَ الْإِمَامُ لَا تَفْسُدُ , وَلَوْ لَبَّى فَسَدَتْ ( وَيَبْدَأُ الْإِمَامُ بِسُجُودِ السَّهْوِ ) لِوُجُوبِهِ فِي تَحْرِيمَتِهَا ( ثُمَّ بِالتَّكْبِيرِ ) لِوُجُوبِهِ فِي حُرْمَتِهَا  ( ثُمَّ بِالتَّلْبِيَةِ لَوْ مُحْرِمًا ) لِعَدَمِهِمَا خُلَاصَةٌ . وَفِي الْوَلْوَالِجيَّةِ : لَوْ بَدَأَ بِالتَّلْبِيَةِ سَقَطَ السُّجُودُ وَالتَّكْبِيرُ .علق عيه ابن عابدين في رد المحتار:مَطْلَبٌ فِي تَكْبِيرِ التَّشْرِيقِ( قَوْلُهُ : وَيَجِبُ تَكْبِيرُ التَّشْرِيقِ ) نُقِلَ فِي الصِّحَاحِ وَغَيْرِهِ أَنَّ التَّشْرِيقَ تَقْدِيدُ اللَّحْمِ وَبِهِ سُمِّيَتْ الْأَيَّامُ الثَّلَاثَةُ بَعْدَ يَوْمِ النَّحْرِ . وَنَقَلَ الْخَلِيلُ بْنُ أَحْمَدَ وَالنَّضْرُ بْنُ شُمَيْلٍ عَنْ أَهْلِ اللُّغَةِ أَنَّهُ التَّكْبِيرُ فَكَانَ مُشْتَرَكًا بَيْنَهُمَا وَالْمُرَادُ هُنَا الثَّانِي , وَالْإِضَافَةُ فِيهِ بَيَانِيَّةٌ أَيْ التَّكْبِيرُ الَّذِي هُوَ التَّشْرِيقُ . وَبِهِ انْدَفَعَ مَا قِيلَ : إنَّ الْإِضَافَةَ عَلَى قَوْلِهِمَا لِأَنَّهُ لَا تَكْبِيرَ فِي أَيَّامِ التَّشْرِيقِ عِنْدَهُ وَتَمَامُهُ فِي الْأَحْكَامِ لِلشَّيْخِ إسْمَاعِيلَ وَالْبَحْرِ( قَوْلُهُ لِلْأَمْرِ بِهِ ) أَيْ فِي قوله تعالى { وَاذْكُرُوا اللَّهَ فِي أَيَّامٍ مَعْدُودَاتٍ } وقوله تعالى { وَيَذْكُرُوا اسْمَ اللَّهِ فِي أَيَّامٍ مَعْلُومَاتٍ } عَلَى الْقَوْلِ بِأَنَّ كِلَيْهِمَا أَيَّامُ التَّشْرِيقِ , وَقِيلَ الْمَعْدُودَاتُ أَيَّامُ التَّشْرِيقِ وَالْمَعْلُومَاتُ أَيَّامُ عَشْرِ ذِي الْحِجَّةِ وَتَمَامُهُ فِي الْبَحْرِ ( قَوْلُهُ صِفَتُهُ إلَخْ ) فَهُوَ تَهْلِيلَةٌ بَيْنَ أَرْبَعِ تَكْبِيرَاتٍ ثُمَّ تَحْمِيدَةٌ وَالْجَهْرُ بِهِ وَاجِبٌ وَقِيلَ سُنَّةٌ قُهُسْتَانِيٌّ ( قَوْلُهُ : وَعَلَيْهِ الِاعْتِمَادُ إلَخْ ) هَذَا بِنَاءً عَلَى أَنَّهُ إذَا اخْتَلَفَ الْإِمَامُ وَصَاحِبَاهُ فَالْعِبْرَةُ لِقُوَّةِ الدَّلِيلِ , وَهُوَ الْأَصَحُّ كَمَا فِي آخِرِ الْحَاوِي الْقُدْسِيِّ أَوْ عَلَى أَنَّ قَوْلَهُمَا فِي كُلِّ مَسْأَلَةٍ مَرْوِيٌّ عَنْهُ أَيْضًا , وَإِلَّا فَكَيْفَ يُفْتَى بِقَوْلِ غَيْرِ صَاحِبِ الْمَذْهَبِ . وَبِهِ انْدَفَعَ مَا فِي الْفَتْحِ مِنْ تَرْجِيحِ قَوْلِهِ هُنَا وَرَدُّ فَتْوَى الْمَشَايِخِ بِقَوْلِهِمَا بَحْرٌ . مَطْلَبٌ كَلِمَةُ لَا بَأْسَ قَدْ تُسْتَعْمَلُ فِي الْمَنْدُوبِ( قَوْلُهُ وَلَا بَأْسَ إلَخْ ) كَلِمَةُ لَا بَأْسَ قَدْ تُسْتَعْمَلُ فِي الْمَنْدُوبِ كَمَا فِي الْبَحْرِ مِنْ الْجَنَائِزِ وَالْجِهَادِ وَمِنْهُ هَذَا الْمَوْضِعُ لِقَوْلِهِ فَوَجَبَ اتِّبَاعُهُمْ( قَوْلُهُ فَوَجَبَ ) الظَّاهِرُ أَنَّ الْمُرَادَ بِالْوُجُوبِ الثُّبُوتُ لَا الْوُجُوبُ الْمُصْطَلَحُ عَلَيْهِ , وَفِي الْبَحْرِ عَنْ الْمُجْتَبَى : وَالْبَلْخِيُّونَ يُكَبِّرُونَ عَقِبَ صَلَاةِ الْعِيدِ لِأَنَّهَا تُؤَدَّى بِجَمَاعَةٍ فَأَشْبَهَتْ الْجُمُعَةَ ا هـ وَهُوَ يُفِيدُ الْوُجُوبَ الْمُصْطَلَحَ عَلَيْهِ ط( قَوْلُهُ وَلَا يُمْنَعُ الْعَامَّةُ إلَخْ ) فِي الْمُجْتَبَى قِيلَ لِأَبِي حَنِيفَةَ يَنْبَغِي لِأَهْلِ الْكُوفَةِ وَغَيْرِهَا أَنْ يُكَبِّرُوا أَيَّامَ الْعَشْرِ فِي الْأَسْوَاقِ وَالْمَسَاجِدِ قَالَ نَعَمْ وَذَكَرَ الْفَقِيهُ أَبُو اللَّيْثِ أَنَّ إبْرَاهِيمَ بْنَ يُوسُفَ كَانَ يُفْتِي بِالتَّكْبِيرِ فِيهَا قَالَ الْفَقِيهُ أَبُو جَعْفَرٍ : وَاَلَّذِي عِنْدِي أَنَّهُ لَا يَنْبَغِي أَنْ تُمْنَعَ الْعَامَّةُ عَنْهُ لِقِلَّةِ رَغْبَتِهِمْ فِي الْخَيْرِ وَبِهِ نَأْخُذُ ا هـ فَأَفَادَ أَنَّ فِعْلَهُ أَوْلَىفي الفتاوى الهنديّة: 1/152( وَمِمَّا يَتَّصِلُ بِذَلِكَ تَكْبِيرَاتُ أَيَّامِ التَّشْرِيقِ ) ( الْكَلَامُ فِي تَكْبِيرَاتِ التَّشْرِيقِ فِي مَوَاضِعَ ) الْأَوَّلُ فِي صِفَتِهِ وَالثَّانِي فِي عَدَدِهِ وَمَاهِيَّتِهِ وَالثَّالِثُ فِي شُرُوطِهِ وَالرَّابِعُ فِي وَقْتِهِ , أَمَّا صِفَتُهُ فَإِنَّهُ وَاجِبٌ . وَأَمَّا عَدَدُهُ وَمَاهِيَّتُهُ فَهُوَ أَنْ يَقُولَ مَرَّةً وَاحِدَةً : اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ لَا إلَهَ إلَّا اللَّهُ وَاَللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ وَلِلَّهِ الْحَمْدُ , وَأَمَّا شُرُوطُهُ فَإِقَامَةٌ وَمِصْرٌ وَمَكْتُوبَةٌ وَجَمَاعَةٌ مُسْتَحَبَّةٌ , هَكَذَا فِي التَّبْيِينِ وَلَا تُشْتَرَطُ الْحُرِّيَّةُ وَالسُّلْطَانُ عِنْدَ أَبِي حَنِيفَةَ - رحمه الله تعالى - عَلَى الْأَصَحِّ , هَكَذَا فِي مِعْرَاجِ الدِّرَايَةِ . وَأَمَّا وَقْتُهُ فَأَوَّلُهُ عَقِيبَ صَلَاةِ الْفَجْرِ مِنْ يَوْمِ عَرَفَةَ وَآخِرُهُ فِي قَوْلِ أَبِي يُوسُفَ وَمُحَمَّدٍ - رَحِمَهُمَا اللَّهُ تَعَالَى - عَقِيبَ صَلَاةِ الْعَصْرِ مِنْ آخِرِ أَيَّامِ التَّشْرِيقِ , هَكَذَا فِي التَّبْيِينِ , وَالْفَتْوَى وَالْعَمَلُ فِي عَامَّةِ الْأَمْصَارِ وَكَافَّةِ الْأَعْصَارِ عَلَى قَوْلِهِمَا , كَذَا فِي الزَّاهِدِيِّ . وَيَنْبَغِي أَنْ يُكَبِّرَ مُتَّصِلًا بِالسَّلَامِ حَتَّى لَوْ تَكَلَّمَ أَوْ أَحْدَثَ مُتَعَمِّدًا سَقَطَ , كَذَا فِي التَّهْذِيبِ وَلَا يُكَبِّرُ عَقِيبَ الْوِتْرِ وَعَقِيبَ صَلَاةِ الْعِيدِ .

The best of du’aa’ on Arafah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Rasoolullaah saw. said: “The best of du’aa’ is du’aa’ on the day of ‘Arafah, and the best that I and the Prophets before me said is ‘Laa ilaaha ill-Allaah wahdahu la shareeka lah, lahu’l-mulk wa lahu’l-hamd wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadeer (There is no god but Allaah alone, with no partner or associate; His is the dominion, to Him be praise, and He has power over all things).” al-Tirmidhi

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
 "Hasten to do good deeds before you are overtaken by one of the seven afflictions.'' Then (giving a warning) he said, "Are you waiting for such poverty which will make you unmindful of devotion; or prosperity which will make you corrupt, or disease as will disable you, or such senility as will make you mentally unstable, or sudden death, or Ad-Dajjal who is the worst expected absent, or the Hour, and the Hour will be most grievous and most bitter".  

1953 Rare Hajj photographs from National Geographic

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
 "Hasten to do good deeds before you are overtaken by one of the seven afflictions.'' Then (giving a warning) he said, "Are you waiting for such poverty which will make you unmindful of devotion; or prosperity which will make you corrupt, or disease as will disable you, or such senility as will make you mentally unstable, or sudden death, or Ad-Dajjal who is the worst expected absent, or the Hour, and the Hour will be most grievous and most bitter".  

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Virtues of the Day of Arafaah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Praise be to Allaah.  
1.                     It is the day on which the religion was perfected and Allaah’s Favour was completed. 
In Al-Saheehayn it was reported from ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab (may Allaah be pleased with him) that a Jewish man said to him, “O Ameer al-Mu’mineen, there is an aayah in your Book which you recite; if it had come to us Jews, we would have taken that day as an ‘Eid (festival).” ‘Umar said, “Which aayah?” He said: “This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.” [al-Maa’idah 5:3 – interpretation of the meaning]. ‘Umar said, “We know on which day and in which place that was revealed to the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). It was when he was standing in ‘Arafaah on a Friday.” 

2.                     It is a day of Eid for the people who are in that place. 
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Yawm ‘Arafaah (the day of ‘Arafaah), Yawm al-Nahr (the Day of Sacrifice) and Ayyaam al-Tashreeq (the 3 days following Yawm al-Nahr) are Eid (festival) for us, the people of Islam. These are days of eating and drinking.” This was narrated by the authors of al-Sunan. It was reported that ‘Umar ibn al-Khattaab said: “It – i.e., the aayah ‘This day I have perfected…’ was revealed on a Friday, the Day of ‘Arafaah, both of which – praise be to Allaah – are Eids for us.” 

3.                     It is a day by which Allaah swore an oath. 
The Almighty cannot swear by anything except that which is mighty. Yawm ‘Arafaah is the “witnessed day” mentioned in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning):

“By the witnessing day [Friday] and by the witnessed day [the Day of ‘Arafaah].” [al-Burooj 85:3].

It was reported from Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The promised day is the Day of Resurrection, the witnessed day is the Day of ‘Arafaah, and the witnessing day is Friday.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani. 

It is the “odd” [i.e., odd-numbered, Witr] by which Allaah swore in the aayah (interpretation of the meaning):

“And by the even and the odd” [al-Fajr 89:3]. Ibn ‘Abbaas said: “The even is the Day of al-Adhaa [i.e., 10th Dhoo’l-Hijjah] and the odd is the Day of ‘Arafaah [i.e., 9th Dhoo’l-Hijjah] This is also the view of ‘Ikrimah and al-Dahhaak. 

4.                     Fasting on this day is an expiation for two years. 
It was reported from Abu Qutaadah (may Allaah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was asked about fasting on the Day of ‘Arafaah. He said, “It expiates for the sins of the previous year and of the coming year.” Narrated by Muslim. 

This (fasting) is mustahabb for those who are not on Hajj. In the case of the one who is on Hajj, it is not Sunnah for him to fast on the Day of ‘Arafaah, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not fast on this day in ‘Arafaah. It was narrated that he forbade fasting on the Day of ‘Arafaah in ‘Arafaah. 

5.                     It is the day on which Allaah took the covenant from the progeny of Adam. 
It was reported that Ibn ‘Abbaas (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah took the covenant from the loins of Adam in Na’maan, i.e., ‘Arafaah. He brought forth from his loins all his offspring and spread them before Him, then He addressed them, and said: ‘Am I not your Lord? They said, ‘Yes, we testify,’ let you should say on the Day of Resurrection: ‘Verily, we have been unaware of this.’ Or lest you should say: ‘It was only our fathers aforetime who took others as partners in worship along with Allaah, and we were (merely their) descendents after them; will You then destroy us because of the deeds of men who practised Al-Baatil (i.e., ploytheism and committing crimes and sins, invoking and worshipping others besides Allaah)?’ [al-A’raaf 7:172-173 – interpretation of the meaning].” Narrated by Ahmad and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani. And there is no greater day than this and no greater covenant than this.  

6.                     It is the day of forgiveness of sins, freedom from the Fire and pride in the people who are there: 
In Saheeh Muslim it was narrated from ‘Aa’ishah (may Allaah be pleased with her) that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is no day on which Allaah frees more people from the Fire than the Day of ‘Arafaah. He comes close and expresses His pride to the angels, saying, ‘What do these people want?’”

 It was reported from Ibn ‘Umar that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah expresses His pride to His angels at the time of ‘Ishaa’ on the Day of ‘Arafaah, about the people of ‘Arafaah. He says, ‘Look at My slaves who have come unkempt and dusty.’” Narrated by Ahmad and classed as saheeh by al-Albaani.

 And Allaah knows best.

Abu Hurairah (May Allah be pleased with him) reported: Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said,
 "Hasten to do good deeds before you are overtaken by one of the seven afflictions.'' Then (giving a warning) he said, "Are you waiting for such poverty which will make you unmindful of devotion; or prosperity which will make you corrupt, or disease as will disable you, or such senility as will make you mentally unstable, or sudden death, or Ad-Dajjal who is the worst expected absent, or the Hour, and the Hour will be most grievous and most bitter".  

Friday, 5 November 2010

The Hajj: A Poem Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

The Hajj: A Poem
Ibn Qayyim al Jawziyyah

By Him whose House the loving pilgrims visit,

Responding with ihram at the appointed limit,

Uncovering their heads in total humility

Before One to Whom faces bow in servility.

They exclaim in the valleys, "We have responded to You -

All Praise is Yours, and Kingdom too!"

He invited and they answered, with love and pleasure;

When they called upon Him, nearer came the Divine treasure.

You see them on their mounts, hair dusty and dishevelled,

Yet never more content, never happier have they felt;

Leaving homelands and families due to holy yearning,

Unmoved are they by temptations of returning.

Through plains and valleys, from near and far,

Walking and riding, in submission to Allah.

[At the Ka'bah]

When they see His House - that magnificent sight

For which the hearts of all creatures are set alight -

It seems they've never felt tired before,

For their discomfort and hardship is no more.

Now the eye of the Lover drowns in its streams,

It sees through its tears the goal of its dreams;

Now for Allah, how many tears are issued,

Each one being followed by a multitude?

When the eye perceives the House, its darkness clears,

And from the sorrowful heart, pain disappears;

Vision cannot encompass this beautiful sight:

Each glance returns with greater delight!

No wonder at this, for when the Merciful preferred

The House for Himself, it became most honoured.

He clothed it in Majesty, a magnificent garment;

Embroidered it with Beauty, a wonderful ornament!

The hearts all love the House therefore,

Awed and humbled, in respect and honour.


Now to 'Arafat, hoping for Mercy and Forgiveness

From the One overflowing with Generosity and Kindness;

Now for Allah is that Magnificent Standing

Like, though lesser than, the Day of Reckoning.

The Irresistible draws near, His Majesty manifest,

Boasting to His angels, for He is the Mightiest,

"My slaves have come to Me so lovingly,

I'll be Generous and Merciful, willingly.

I have forgiven their sins, - to this you are witness -

Fulfilled their hopes, and showered them with goodness."

So joyous news! O people of that standing,

When sins are forgiven and Mercy is spreading;

How many slaves are set completely free?

Whilst others seek a cure, and heal will He.

Now Satan is never known to lose such face:

He's blameworthy, rejected, in utter disgrace.

For he sees a matter that enrage him must:

He flees, slaps his face and covers it in dust!

Such Forgiveness he never did see

As granted by the Lord, and such Mercy!

He built his edifice from every temptation available

Till he thought it was complete, unassailable;

Then Allah struck his building at its very foundation,

So it fell upon him, tumbling in devastation;

What worth has his structure, this evil ploy,

That he does build, and the Lord does destroy?

[Muzdalifah & Mina]

Now to Muzdalifah, to spend the night

In the Sacred Area, then Prayer at first light;

Now on to the Great Pillar, which they need

To stone at the time of the Prayer of 'Id;

Now to their tents for the sacrifice prepared,

Reviving the tradition of a Father revered.

If sacrificing themselves were Allah's demand,

They would respond, submitting to the command;

Just as they'd expose their necks in Jihad

To Allah's enemies, till these stream with blood;

They discipline themselves, presenting the head for a shave:
Bringing humility and happiness to the obedient slave.

[The Tawaf of Ifadah/Ziyarah]

So when they've removed those natural growths,

Completed their rites, and fulfilled their oaths,

He invites them again to visit His House:

What honour and welcome this visit allows!

By Allah, they visit it in so much splendour,

Receiving their rewards and plenty of honour;

There Allah bestows Grace, Favour and Kindness,

Showing Generosity, Mercy and Forgiveness.


Then they return to Mina, each to his tent,

Every minute wish is granted, and they are content;

They stay there a day, then another, then a third,

They're allowed to depart early, but to stay is preferred;

They stone the pillars daily after the sun's decline,

With a slogan of Takbir in the presence of the Divine!

If only you could see their standing there:

Palms outstretched, hoping for Mercy's share!

"O Lord! O Lord! Knowing as You do

That we hope for no-one, only You!

Then grant our wish, O You All-Knowing,

We pray for Your Mercy overflowing."

[The Farewell Tawaf]

When they've achieved at Mina all their gains,

Once more they fill the valleys and plains:

To the Ka'bah, the Sacred House, by the end of the day,

To circle it seven times, and then to Pray.

When departure nears and they are certain

That the bond of proximity is about to loosen,

There's only a last stand for a final farewell:

Now for Allah are the eyes that swell,

And for Allah are the heavy hearts that turn

Into cauldrons of desire where fire does burn;

And the passionate sighs whose heat so vigorous

Nearly melts the Lover, ecstatic, rapturous!

Now you see those bewildered, perplexed in the throng,

Whilst others chant their sorrowful song:

"I depart, but there remains for You my yearning,

My fire of grief is raging and burning;

I bid farewell, but longing pulls my reins -

My heart is encamped in Your eternal plains!"

No blame today for saying what you feel:

No blame for expressing what you used to conceal!


The Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa'sallam said:
"The Muslim is a unique Ummah among the whole of mankind: Their Land is ONE, their War is ONE, their Peace is ONE, Their Honour is ONE and their Trust is ONE." [Ahmad]

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

When a person spends his whole day with no other concern but Allah alone....

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

‎"When a person spends his whole day with no other concern but Allah alone,  Allah will take care of all his needs and take care of all that which is worrying him; He will empty his heart so that it will be filled only with love for Him, free his tongue, that it will speak only in remembrance of Him (dhikr) and cause all his faculties to work only in obedience to Him.

But if a person spends his entire day with no concern but this world, Allah will make him bear its distress, anxiety and pain; He will leave him to sort himself out, and cause his heart to be distracted from the Love of Allah towards the love of some created being, cause his tongue to speak only in remembrance of that creation instead of remembering Allah and cause his faculties to work in obeying and serving them. So he will strive hard labouring like some work-animal, to serve something other than Allah". 

[Ibn Qayyim, RahimuAllah]

The Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa'sallam said:
"The Muslim is a unique Ummah among the whole of mankind: Their Land is ONE, their War is ONE, their Peace is ONE, Their Honour is ONE and their Trust is ONE." [Ahmad]

Tuesday, 5 October 2010


Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

'Ubudiyyah is a comprehensive term that asserts the meaning of the ayah:

"You Alone do we worship and You Alone do we seek for Help." [Al-Qur'an 1:5]

It comprises the slavery of the heart, tongue and limbs to Allah ta'ala. The slavery of the heart includes both the qawl (saying of the heart) and 'amal (actions of the heart). The qawl of the heart is the belief (i'tiqad) in what Allah has informed about His Self, His Names and Attributes, His Action, His Angels, and that which He revealed in His Book and sent upon the tongue of His Messenger Muhammad sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam.

The 'amal of the heart include love for Allah, reliance upon Him, turning to Him in repentance, fearing Him, having hope in Him, devoting the Deen sincerely to Him, having patience in what He orders and forbids, having patience with His decrees and being pleased with them, having allegiance for His pleasure, having humility for Him and humbling oneself in front of Him, and becoming tranquil with Him.

The qawl (saying) of the tongue is to convey what Allah has revealed (in the Qur'an and authentic sunnah) regarding Himself, His Names and Attributes, His Actions, His Commands, His Prohibitions, and all that is related to this din, to call to it, defend it, to expose the false innovations which oppose it, and to establish its remembrance and to convey what it orders. The 'amal (actions) of the limbs include the salat (prayers), jihad, attending the Jumu'ah prayers and the rest of the Jama'at (congregational prayers), assisting those who are unable, and acting with goodness and kindness to creation, and other such acts.

This comprehensive meaning of the 'Ubudiyyah pertains to its specific type. The people who fall under this type of 'Ubudiyyah are the believers who obey, love, and sincerely follow the din of Allah ta'ala.

The second type of 'Ubudiyyah is the general one in which all creatures in the heavens and in the earth are subdued to Allah's sovereign Authority and Power; everything is subservient to His Will, and Authority; nothing occurs or ceases to occur except by His leave; His is the Kingdom and He disposes the affairs as He pleases. This type of 'Ubudiyyah'Ubudiyyah of Qahr (Subduing) and Mulk (Sovereignty, Kingship, Possession, Mastership, etc.). is known as the

So, the part of the ayah signifying "You Alone do we worship" asserts the adherence to the four principles of 'Ubudiyyah:
  1. The sayings of the heart
  2. The actions of the heart,
  3. The sayings of the tongue, and
  4. The actions of the limbs.
The other part, "You Alone do we seek for Help," stresses the fact that the believer must ask Allah alone to help him establish the 'Ubudiyyah and succeed in executing all what it requires..

(s) Madarij as-Salikin 1/100-101, 105, slightly adapted by Dr Saleh as-Saleh - from a footnote in The Dispraise of Al-Hawa (Desire) by Ibn al-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah, 1998, Dar al-Bukhari.

Source: SunnahOnline
The Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa'sallam said:
"The Muslim is a unique Ummah among the whole of mankind: Their Land is ONE, their War is ONE, their Peace is ONE, Their Honour is ONE and their Trust is ONE." [Ahmad]

Friday, 10 September 2010

Eid Mubarak!!!

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Eid Mubarak!!

‘Taqabbal Allaahu minnaa wa minka (May Allaah accept from us and from you).

Click here for Etiquettes of Eid

The Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa'sallam said:
"The Muslim is a unique Ummah among the whole of mankind:  
Their Land is ONE, their War is ONE, their Peace is ONE,  
Their Honour is ONE and their Trust is ONE." [Ahmad]

Sunday, 22 August 2010

Ramadan Pointers

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

Ramadan Pointers

The bounties and opportunities of Ramadan are many and unlimited yet the number of days we have to take advantage of it are few and limited.

…those who patiently persevere will truly receive a reward without measure!1
Patience is inseparable from the purpose of Ramadan. Scholars mention four areas where patience is required: fulfilling acts of obedience to Allah; refraining from prohibitions; bearing trials and tribulations; and preserving one’s heart and intellect from misguidance. Fasting allows us to exercise and develop all these types of patience.
For Days Passed By!
Eat and drink at ease for that which you have sent on before you in days past!2
Al-Hasan al-Basri is reported to have said, ‘The Hur al-'Ayn will say to a wali of Allah whilst reclining with her by a river of honey and being presented with a cup, "Allah looked upon you on a very long hot day, experiencing severe thirst and so Allah boasted about you before the Angels saying, 'Look at my slave, he has forsaken his wife, desire, pleasure, food and drink for my sake and for what is with me, bear witness that I have forgiven him!' So he forgave you that day and wed me to you".'
The All-Seer
The fasting day is much longer this year and it will get even longer with the years to come. This creates more difficulty for everyone, especially those at work. It is important to realise that we are all under the watchful gaze of the One who is above us all and that He is reserving our reward for us and soon enough we will find that reward with great happiness and joy. This is a matter we should often remind ourselves of throughout the day especially when we feel the pangs of hunger; when we fast all the while being conscious that Allah is watching us, our rewards multiply.
A Private Affair
The fast is a secret between the slave and his Lord, no one knows about the difficulty and hardship the fasting person is going through except Allah. He is the one who determines the reward, and His bounty is unlimited! Allah’s Messenger said, ‘Every action of the son of Adam is given manifold reward, each good deed receiving ten times its like, up to seven hundred times. Allah the Most High said, 'Except for fasting, for it is for Me and I will give recompense for it, he leaves off his desires and his food for Me.' Fasting is a type of communication with Allah just as prayer is. It is as though we are calling out to Him, ‘I am only doing this action that no one knows about except for you. And this action that I do, even though I am doing it, it belongs to you.’ 
Striving to Win
Abu Musa al-‘Ashari is an example of one who came before us who truly understood the rewards and virtues of fasting and would love to increase his worship of Allah. He said, ‘Allah decreed upon Himself that whoever goes thirsty for Him on a hot day, that He would grant him water on the Day of Judgement.”3 Abu Musa would often fast and choose days that were hot and long.
The Highest Objective
O you who believe! Fasting is prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, that you may attain taqwa (piety).4
We fast in order to attain taqwa. One scholar defined it in the following manner, ‘Taqwa is to act in obedience to Allah, upon a light from Allah, hoping for reward from Allah; and to abandon disobedience of Allah, upon a light from Allah, fearing punishment from Allah.’5
The Glorious Qur’an
“The month of Ramadan in which was revealed the Qur'an, a guidance for mankind and clear proofs for the guidance and the criterion (between right and wrong).”6
It is almost as though Allah is telling us that we should shift our focus and efforts during the holy month of Ramadan to reading the Qur’an. This is what some of the past scholars did as they would stop delivering lectures and answering questions. Many of them completed it dozens of times during this blessed month. This is a great opportunity for us to become more proficient in our recitation and ponder much over the Quran.
Translating Guidance
We should read the Quran with its translation as this will help us to understand what Allah is saying to us and will aid us in learning the Arabic words that appear in the Quran often. Reading the Quran is not enough; we must understand and ponder over it. This is why Allah said it is guidance for mankind so that we know what is right and what is wrong. Only when we know what is being read can we take it as a source of guidance. An easy step to take in this regard is to simply select a small portion of your daily recitation and read the English whilst following the Arabic. By doing this every Ramadan one can really build up their Quranic Arabic vocabulary.
Intimacy of Tawheed
“And when My slaves ask you (O Muhammad) concerning Me, then (answer them), I am indeed near. I respond to the invocations of the supplicant when he calls on Me. So let them obey Me and believe in Me, so that they may be led aright.”7
This verse is among the same set that commands us with fasting; as we read the words of Our Lord and comply with what is asked from us, we should also ask Him what we need and want from Him. We should feel close to Allah in this month more so than any other month. As Allah speaks to us through his words in His book, we should speak to Allah in our supplications.
Whenever people questioned the Prophet about a matter and Allah addressed it in the Qur’an he would start by saying, ‘Qul’ (Say) Yet, when Allah was asked about Himself as in this ayah, he did not say, ‘Qul’. This shows us that we do not need to go through anyone to reach Allah and ask of Him, emphasising the greatness and importance of His Oneness. This also shows us how close Allah is to us. Allah also expresses His nearness to us by attaching the slave to Himself, ‘And when My slave asks you.’ This also shows the great heights a human being can reach by being a slave of Allah. Other verses refer to the slave as though they are distant and many, whilst here the slaves are being addressed as being near and as one individual.
So we know how close Allah is to us and that He promised to respond to His slave. Now imagine that this slave is fasting and the Prophet has told us that the supplication of the fasting Muslim will not be rejected!8. The bounties and opportunities of Ramadan are many and unlimited yet the number of days we have to take advantage of it are few and limited.
Let us make this Ramadan different to all our previous ones. They say that actions speak louder than words, so let your actions (worship) therefore be as though you are speaking to your Lord.
[1] Surah Al-Zumar verse 10[2] al-Haaqqah verse 24[3] Al-Bazzar and declared hasan by Al-Albani in Sahih al-Targhib, Vol 1 pg 412 
 Surah Al Baqarah, 2:183
[5] Talq Ibn Habib, related by Ibn Abi Shaybah in Kitaab al-Iman (no. 99) 
 Surah Al Baqarah, 2:185 
 Surah Al Baqarah, 2: 

The Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa'sallam said:
"The Muslim is a unique Ummah among the whole of mankind: Their Land is ONE, their War is ONE, their Peace is ONE, Their Honour is ONE and their Trust is ONE." [Ahmad]