Monday, 11 September 2006

The Fiqh of Fasting: 6.5 Things that do not Break the Fast

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
In the name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

6.5 Things that do not Break the Fast

The fast is not broken by the following:

· Forgetfulness; if someone forgets altogether that one is observing the fast and then, while in a state of forgetfulness, eats, drinks, or has sexual intercourse, the fast will not be spoiled, and it will not have to be made up.

· Involuntary seminal discharge during sleep or otherwise;

· Rubbing of oil or lotion into the skin;

· The application of antimony (kuhl - surmah) to the eyes;

· Backbiting;

· Putting water into the ears, eyes, or nostrils as one commonly would when making wudu’;

· Vomiting unintentionally; [vomiting unintentionally, even though it may be a large quantity, will not spoil the fast. Furthermore, the intentional vomiting of a small mouthful[i.e. less than a mouthful], will not spoil the fast, but if a mouthful is vomited, the fast will be spoiled and must be made up, but no fast of expiation, kaffarah, will be needed].

If a person should vomit [unintentionally], filling one’s mouth, and then intentionally swallow whatever had come up, one’s fast will break. If, however, one vomits only a small amount unintentionally and swallows it, one’s fast will not break. If one re-swallows a whole mouthful unintentionally then according to Imam Abu Yusuf, one’s fast will break and, according to Imam Muhammad it will not, If one re-swallows a small amount intentionally, according to Imam Muhammad, one’s fast will break, while according to Imam Abu Yusuf, it will now. (The fatwa in the last to cases is with Imam Muhammad)

· Kissing and caressing during the fast; if someone should kiss or caress another with lust, and an emission results, the fast will break; and if there is no emission, the fast will not break.

· Eating food lodged in one’s mouth amounting to less than a chickpea [a gram];

If a person should eat a particle of food that has become lodged between the teeth, which was dislodged with one’s hand, the fast will be spoiled and must be mad up, though one will not have to make a fast of expiation, kaffarah. If, however, one dislodged it with the tip of one’s tongue, one will have to make up the fast, only if he particle was greater than a chickpea, otherwise the fast will not be spoiled.

· Sucking or chewing something while fasting when a need exists; It is makruh while observing the fast to either suck or chew anything without an excuse. It is, however permitted, if there is a need for it. For example, to chew a small child’s food for him or her when feeding; to test the seasoning of food while cooking, etc.

· Using water to lessen the effects of heat; snuffing water into the nostrils or mouth to lessen the effects of heat during fasting, or taking a bah for the same reason, or dressing in wet clothes, according to Imam Abu Hanifah, are makruh tanzihi and do not invalidate the fast. However, according to Imam Abu Yusuf [and his is th more widely accepted of the two views], these things are not makruh.

· Beginning the fast in a state of major ritual impurity; if during the night a person should become impure, janabah, due to sexual relations or seminal emissions, and then begins one’s fast in the morning in that state [before taking a ghusl], one’s fast will be correct. It is, however, mustahab, to take a ghusl before dawn.

· Or to use a miswak, toothsticks, for cleaning the teeth, even if one tastes it;

· Swallowing of saliva or phlegm, cupping, acupuncture [or taking injection].

The Prophet sal Allahu alayhi wa'sallam said:
"The Muslim is a unique Ummah among the whole of mankind:
Their Land is ONE, their War is ONE, their Peace is ONE,
Their Honour is ONE and their Trust is ONE."

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